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Got questions? Our answers below to the most commonly asked questions will make getting started with Cinch a no-brainer for you.  If you do need further information or support about our products to make your worklife a Cinch, then get in touch with us today.

  • Is there only one software package available?
    Yes, we believe that our system offers you the best content and value for SME businesses with everything you need and nothing you don’t. It provides you with a full range of fully compliant self-service employment agreements, policies and toolkits, whilst giving you an easy-to-manage system to house everything employee-related. But if you just need a couple of things to build your HR resource, our employment agreements, policies and toolkits are available to purchase as stand-alone products.
  • How much training for the Admin User and Managers is required?
    Our system is very easy to use and manage, and your Admin User (and Managers depending on how you wish to set your dashboard up) will be trained by your dedicated HR Specialist as part of our set up fee. Training normally takes 1 hour and you will be provided with ongoing support should you require it at any time.
  • Am I locked into a contract with Cinch?
    No, there are no contracts or hidden costs. Once you sign up and your HR Audit and system set up is completed your dashboard is ready to go and you pay on a monthly basis. You can opt-out of using our system providing 21 days notice. If you want further information on our terms and conditions you can find these here.
  • Do all Cinch documents cover my legal requirements?
    Yes, our documents are all legally compliant and are up to date with current legislation. Whether you purchase the Full System or any Stand-Alone products, all legislative updates will automatically be uploaded into your dashboard for you - taking any worries you may have about ensuring you remain compliant.
  • Is your software system safe and secure?
    Absolutely, we use Stripe as payment provider and Google Cloud for hosting the software system. Our team takes security very seriously and apply security updates on a weekly basis to ensure our security standards are of the highest quality at all times.
  • I just want to purchase some employment agreements as that’s all I need at the moment – can I do that?
    You can purchase a bundle of employment agreements, policies and also individual toolkits if you don’t want to purchase the full software package and are simply looking for documents that you don’t currently have, to continue to grow your HR document portfolio. Prices for these purchases are set out on our website. Purchasing these stand-alone products will still provide you with automated legislative updates through our software system so you don’t have to worry about your documents going out of date when legislation changes – you will be up with the play at all times with Cinch!
  • Who put these documents together?
    A team of experienced legal and HR experts with many years of experience and an outstanding reputation in the New Zealand marketplace.
  • If my industry is not listed,  will the General Business Industry cover all my legislative requirements?"
    Yes, broadly speaking all general legislative requirements are covered, however if you have any specific terms, conditions within your industry and/or any company personalisation you may want included, we are happy to assist you with this during our audit and set-up process. Depending on the level of bespoke changes these updates may incur an additional cost which is applied to the quoted one-off set up fee. Any updates would be thoroughly reviewed through our team of HR and legal experts to ensure alignment and compliance.
  • I just want some consultancy advice, can you help with that?"
    We sure can! When you sign up for our software system, you will have access to your very own dedicated HR Consultant. However, if you are not a subscriber to our system but would simply like to engage us for consultancy support (no matter how big or small – we do it all), just give us a call. We have a team of highly experienced HR specialists who take a “no fluff” outcome-focussed approach to support any HR issue or project you need support with. Our consultancy support is not simply phone based, we are happy to work alongside you on-site should you need that level of support for a specific project.
  • Will my information be confidential?
    We take confidentiality seriously. All matters that are disclosed to us will be confidential between the parties during and post any relationship between us.

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